You Belong Here!

A Week at Brookside

Free & open to the public

Join us each Sunday for worship, sharing of testimonies, and a Gospel-centered message.

Children's Ministry
Classes offered for Nursery (0-2 year olds), Preschool (3 & 4 year olds), K-2nd, and 3rd-5th.
- 9:40am – Check in begins for all ages
- 9:45am - Nursery and Preschool drop off
- K–5th grade dismissed during service
- Parent/guardian pick-up after service

Youth Ministry
Our youth group, Brookside Mosaic, is for all teens and pre-teens (6th–12th). We value all young people from every race, ethnicity, and background.
- Youth are dismissed during the worship service and go up to the youth room
Small Groups
Twice a month on Sunday night, discipleship groups meet in homes all over Indianapolis for a time of fellowship and discussion around God’s Word. Must have transportation

The Bridge Worship Service
The Bridge Worship Service is a gathering to support people in their reentry journey as they face not only barriers that are emotional and spiritual but barriers in transportation, employment, and housing. These barriers can often cause relapse and recidivism, but through coming to worship Christ together, bridges of success are built. The Bridge Worship Service takes place every Monday evening from 6-7:30pm.

Bible Study
Bible Study at Brookside takes place every Tuesday evening from 6-7pm. Together, we break down life’s difficulties like fear, miscommunication, and isolation to determine how best to overcome them while pursuing a life-giving relationship with Christ. Join us Tuesday evenings as we fellowship and spend time in His Word together.

Food Co-op
We serve so that no one in our family goes hungry. Our Food Co-op exists to not only provide for families but also to develop deeper relationships with one another. Brookside believes that with intentional support, individuals and families can be empowered to provide food for themselves and their families.
- Food Co-op takes place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month
- 10am – Noon

180 Life Recovery
This gospel-based 12-step program can help you find your story within God's greater story. You can find healing and purpose whether your addiction is substance-related or to things like needing to be in control. It is possible to change your life and go in a new direction which happens when you realize that you are part of God’s bigger plan, the gospel of Jesus. Come join us as we walk out this God-given journey of life together every Thursday evening from 6-7:30pm.

Neighborhood Prayer Walk
Join our BCC family on a prayer walk in the Brookside neighborhood. We pray for the peace and prosperity of our community and our neighbors as we walk in small groups. The prayer walk takes 45 minutes, rain or shine. We meet at the church on Saturdays at 10am for a short devotional and then separate into groups to walk and pray. We are a church outside the walls seeking restoration in our community. Come, join us and let's pray together!